A Note From Mr. and Mrs. Coach
A Note From Mr. Coach…
by Bert Capel
A few years ago I attended a NOC marriage luncheon during the Final Four by myself as my wife rarely came with me to these things. As I sat there and listened to coaches and their wives talk about the struggles they deal with throughout the year, I remember wishing my wife had been there to hear this. They were talking about issues that only coaching marriages would understand. When I got home from the Final Four that year, I told my wife about the luncheon and how she needed to attend one of these events in the future. Well, we attended the NOC marriage retreat shortly after and she’s been all in since.
My wife has always had a good support group of friends and family, but not a group of women like NOC Wives who are walking through life with the exact same challenges at the exact same time. Knowing that my wife has this type of resource helps me to know she isn’t by herself. Not only do these wives speak into her life on a regular basis when she needs it, but she’s able to help those that are new to the coaching scene as well. I’m very thankful to NOC for their support not only for me as a coach, but for the most important part of coaching – our marriage.
A Note From Mrs. Coach…
by Stacy Capel
No one can understand the life of a coaches wife like another coaches wife. You can quote me on that! Having a resource such as NOC Wives at my disposal throughout the year is such an encouragement for me. There are other wives out there experiencing the same joy, heartache, victory, and struggle as I am. The ups and downs of being a coaches wife are real, although I wouldn’t trade it for the world. I love how NOC Wives is stepping up to support the wife year-round and not just a few times a year.
My family has gone through a season of transition this summer. The wives I have met through this organization at both the final four events and the marriage retreat have been the ones to carry me through the uncertainty. Their prayers, calls, and messages always came exactly when I needed them. How wonderful that there is now a place where we can foster those relationships and support one another, gain encouragement, and read a devotional from another coaches wife. Not to mention some of these wives are really funny! A little humor goes a long way!
This organization comes alongside coaches and their wives like no other organization we have been a part of. I will shout it from the rooftops how much I love Nations of Coaches and NOC Wives. I look forward to connecting with all the NOC wives throughout this year!