For Character Coaches & Spouses

Home Team Marriage Retreat

WinShape Retreat, Rome, GA

August 30 – September 1, 2023

A two and a half day experience designed for our Character Coaching Couples to nurture their marriage and draw closer to each other and the Lord.

We at Nations of Coaches believe in doing all we can to help provide opportunities to help protect the “HOME TEAM”.

We pray you will consider taking a TIME-OUT and join us at Winshape Retreat for a time to refresh, relax and connect with your spouse and the Lord.

Register for the HomeTeam Marriage Retreat below:

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“My husband and I attended the NOC Marriage Retreat. The wisdom, encouragement, and empathy we experienced are still fueling our tanks six months later!”

Hope Radebaugh

Wife of Barclay Radebaugh, Head Coach, Charleston Southern University